COVID-19 Resources

Ethics and Resilience 2020/2021

Ethics and Diversity Rounds 2020/21

Ethics Frameworks, Guidelines

This platform is supported by the Michener Institute of Education at UHN and has been created for health care professionals supporting COVID-19 and critically ill patients in the Province of Ontario.

Resources designed to support long-term care shared by the PoET Project: an award-winning, Ontario-based Ethics Quality Improvement project that aims to reduce consent-related errors in long-term care homes, and the transfers to hospital that can follow.

A living document supported by the Osler Covid Clinical Response Team offering information and education. The site contains guidelines on offering critical care and a framework to prepare for major surge.

A repository of public policy documents shared with the Ontario health care system and generated by the COVID-19 health system response effort.

Academic Articles

A resource bank to support learning about ethical issues in the COVID19 pandemic, including: resource allocation, health equity, research ethics and vaccine development, and moral distress of health care providers.

A curated literature hub for tracking up-to-date scientific information about COVID-19.

A project to support exploration of current peer-reviewed literature on COVID-19 that has been curated via a systematic review approach.